2018 Underground Throwdown Recap

On Saturday Nov 24th, we hosted our annual members team CrossFit competition – 6S Underground Throwdown. This year, we had a mix of first-time and experienced competitors, in addition to members who had just started CrossFit and those who have been with us for a few years. We’re so proud of everyone for stepping outside of their comfort zone, for demonstrating teamwork and camaraderie (most people hadn’t met their teammates before), and for giving each workout their best effort!

While last year was hard to top, we’re confident that this one is going to stick with people for a while – we definitely will never forget it! In case you missed the event, or were there but want to relive the memories, we’ve put together a short recap of the day. We hope you enjoy!

For the purpose of this blog post, we will only include a select group of pictures. All of the pictures will be made available to participants in the upcoming weeks!

In CrossFit 6S tradition, all competitors (12 teams of 4) dressed up to match their creative team names. Great job to all competitors – your costumes were awesome! We had police officers, convicts, fruit and festive competitors, among many others.
The format of this year’s competition differed slightly from last year’s: while the workouts were still kept a secret and released on the day of, each team was guaranteed 4 workouts. Every team would complete WOD 1, 2, 3 and afterwards be grouped (by placing) into the Semi-final or the Cup final. Then, the top 3 teams from the semi-final would move on to the Grand Finale to compete for the esteemed Gold plate!

To start the day, the group was led through a warmup and then the first WOD was released:
12:00 clock
Each team member does 2 rounds of one of the following in a relay style:
A) 12 T2B + 8 Box Jump Overs
B) 12 Straight Leg Lifts + 8 Box Jump Overs
C) 12 Knee Lifts + 8 Box Jump OR Step Overs
D) 12 Ab Mat Sit-ups + 8 Box Step Overs
*In remaining time accumulate as many reps as possible, with 1 Athlete working at a time, of power cleans at 95/65, alternating weights.
Teams finished the first part with blazing speed and had PLENTY of time to work through the power cleans. We witnessed a few interesting strategies on the barbell, which paid dividends: teams accumulated around 200 total power clean reps! It was a tight race, with only a few rep differential, but Where’s WOD-O came out on top of this one.

After a short cool down, teams were introduced to WOD 2:

12 mins to for all team members to find a max in 1 of the following:
1RM Snatch

2RM Bench Press

3RM Thruster

4RM Front Rack Lunges

With only one barbell allowed, and with athletes only allowed to increase weight on the barbell, teams needed to strategize and determine who would execute each lift (and in what order). With the score being based on TOTAL team weight, teams needed to optimize each teammate’s strengths. This WOD was exhilarating to watch, and we had several competitors hit personal bests! Enforcers of Fitness were consistent across the board with 4 solid lifts, and tied for 1st place with the Macros who had a 300+ lb bench press on their team. This one was a tight race – all teams were extremely impressive and should be very proud!
With the top 6 teams moving on to the semi-final after WOD 3, teams were eager to see the WOD and begin strategizing. WOD 3 was a CrossFit Games-type inspired workout (just without the same equipment). Teams had 12 minutes to accumulate as many wallballs as possible. With one person working at a time, in order for the reps to count, all other teammates had to be holding (collectively) an empty barbell. Additionally, in order to switch who was doing the wallballs, the teammates holding the barbell had to complete 10 synchro squats. This workout was all about the quad burn – how long could you hold on? Most teams were close to accumulating 300 reps! Where’s WOD-O barely surpassed Telewoddies to take the W.
After 3 workouts, the point separation between 5th and 8th place was only 2 points! The top 6 teams prepared for the Semi-Final workout, while the other 6 waited for their chance to win the Cup Final.

The semi-final workout required teams to move FAST and TOGETHER:
For Time (12 min), working in pairs:

Pair 1:
Partner Deadlifts, 225lbs
Synchro Lateral Bar Hops

Pair 2:
Partner Deadlifts, 155lbs
​Synchro Lateral Bar Step Overs

Teams blazed through this workout in 3-5 minutes, with the separation between 3rd and 4th place being only ONE second! In the end, it was Enforcers of Fitness, Where’s WOD-O and Telewoddies moving on to the Grand Finale!

Next, teams got ready to battle for the Cup final, which was all about TEAM WORK and COMMUNICATION:

8min AMRAP
8 Air Squats
8 Burpees
8 Lunges
8 V-ups
*All reps must be synchronized
Teams had 8 minutes to accumulate as many reps as possible. The caveat? All movements must be synchronized and one person must be holding (and moving with) a 14lb wallball in order for the reps to count. This one was definitely one of the more entertaining WODs to watch! Teams quickly established a team leader, took turns carrying their “pet rock” and supported one another to keep moving until the end!
Before releasing the results, teams prepared for the Grand Finale workout. In addition to releasing the workout, we also released some new equipment!
For time, relay style. One Athlete working at a time will complete the following:

Athlete 1:
20 cal
1 Shuttle sprints
200 m

Athlete 2:
18 cal
3 Shuttle sprints
160 m

Athlete 3:    
16 cal
5 Shuttle sprints
120 m

Athlete 4:    
14 cal
7 Shuttle sprints
80 m
In this WOD, athletes worked one person at a time, completing 1-4 in numerical order. Where’s WOD-O and Cops and Wodders both had their last athlete on the ski erg. Where’s WOD-O finished a second before Cops and Wodders, but while sprinting to the finish, tripped and ended up falling and knocking the Cops and Wodders athlete to the ground. In this photo finish, Cops and Wodders inched themselves to the finish line JUST ahead of Where’s WOD-O to take the win! Talk about a tight race!
The entire day was nothing short of amazing, and would not have been possible without the help of all of our volunteers, sponsors and members.

First off, thank you to all of our competitors for participating and for bringing your A-game the entire day – you all rock! As well, thank you to all of our volunteers who offered their time to help set up the floor, judge events, and ensure that everything ran smoothly! Lastly, thank you to all of our sponsors and vendors – Brust, North Strong Collective, Progenex Canada, Sandbar Hand care, RPM, RX Bar, OH Fast, 1RM Jewlery, Henderson Brewing Company, Moore Kombucha – for volunteering their time and for donating awesome prizes for our competitors.

See you all next year!

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