2021 Holiday Health and Fitness Gift Guide

We’ve rounded up some of our favourite holiday items that you can add to your wishlist or treat yourself too during boxing week!

Whether you’re new to the fitness scene or have been around a while, the holidays are always a great time to treat yourself and invest in items that are only going to further improve your health & fitness!

1-on-1 fitness or nutrition coaching sessions with one of our coaches

Abs aren’t just made in the kitchen. Our overall health, fitness & progress is! Set yourself up for success in 2022 with 1-on-1 nutrition coaching with our knowledgeable dietitians and maximize your success inside and outside the gym. Schedule a 15 min call >>HERE and book your first coaching session in January!

Whether you are looking to work on a new skill or just have a bit more face time with a coach, our skill sessions (30 mins) are a perfect complement to group classes to accelerate your progress! Schedule a 15 min call >>HERE to discuss your goals and get a session booked for January!

Socks for a Good Cause

Dr. Em is selling holiday and punny socks to raise money for Holiday Helpers, an organization who supports low-income families over the holidays. These socks make great stocking stuffers for someone else or for yourself! Check them out here.

New shoes 

We cannot stress enough how important it is to have the appropriate footwear when working out. If you’re a member of our 6SFit program, you need to have a pair of shoes with good support. Cross training shoes are better than running shoes. Try to also avoid shoes with a big heel. 

Our favs are nike metcons (any version is better than none!) or reebok nanos. Nobulll is another favourite with some members, but you should definitely try on a pair before buying them.


This is still one of our favourite kitchen items! Especially for the on-the-go people who don’t have time/don’t enjoy spending hours cooking. You can cook practically anything in it. If you’re a meat lover, chicken, pork or beef cooked in an instapot with hot sauce or a delicious broth is juicy and delicious! Several stores carry them now like canadian tire (amazon too of course) so they should be relatively easy to find. 

Wrist wraps

If you’re someone who works out regularly and battles wrist pain, it might be worthwhile to look into getting a set of wrist wraps to have. While they are more of a “bandaid” solution that should not replace strengthening exercises etc., they can be helpful to have in your gym bag! Rogue is a common and reliable brand. Functional fitness does not require anything longer than 18”. If you’re a powerlifter, you might need 18” or longer. 

Water bottle with markings

Hydration is KEY! For most of us, drinking water is either something we forget to do or do not enjoy doing as much as we should. However, hydration is KEY! Remember that the average person (not considering very active people) should consume 1L per every 50 lbs of bodyweight. One strategy to ensure you drink enough water is to have a fun waterbottle that you WANT to use. Check out these motivational water bottles which might give you the kick you need to meet your hydration goals.

Gymnastics grips

Similar to wrist wraps, gymnastics grips are not a requirement, but they can provide more comfort to gym-goers who find themselves with sore hands from hanging on the bar. While gymnastics grips do not replace building up toughness in your hands, they can help for longer workouts to provide some relief. There are plenty of different brands that sell them and it will come down to (1) personal preference; (2) trial and error; and (3) budget. Some of the more well known brands include: Reyllen, Victory Grips, Bear Komplex. You can also get a cheap pair off Amazon if you prefer. 

**For 6S members: DO NOT get leather grips. Get suede or carbon fibre. Otherwise you will be sliding off our bars*

Reusable freezer bags

The busier we get, the less time we have to make meals everyday, so it is important to meal prep and save leftovers for future meals! As well, freezing foods, like fruits, are also great ways to reduce food waste. Check out these reusable freezer bags as a sustainable alternative to single-use plastic bags.

Skipping rope

Getting the hang of skipping/double unders is not just about nailing the movement. You also need to make sure you have your OWN rope – one that is the right height and has handles you like. Plus, you can bring your own rope anywhere, if you travel etc! There are so many options out there that would work. We would just recommend one that has a decent bearing and has some spin (so maybe not the ones at walmart that we used to use when we were kids). Check out RPM if you want one to last you a while or amazon if you care less about quality. It looks like amazon may also have RPM ropes, but we’re all about supporting the brands directly 😉 

**For 6S members: we also have good quality ropes for sale at the gym for $20. Just let one of our coaches know the next time you come in**

Rice Cooker

The ULTIMATE meal prep hack that will save you so much time when prepping your food for the week. If you’re not an “instapot” type person and won’t benefit from its diverse utility, then maybe a rice cooker is a better option for you! Rice cookers save SO MUCH TIME and headaches. All you have to do is add rice, water, set it and forget it. You don’t need to worry about the water boiling over on the stove if you have to do something else. Depending on how much rice you need each week, you could get a small or a larger one. You can find these at almost any kitchen or home hardware store!

Wearable technology 

If you’re someone who loves numbers and tracking progress, needs accountability to hit exercise and/or sleep goals, and/or just likes knowing where their recovery and exertion is at the end of the day, you might enjoy a smart watch! There are so many available, so it largely depends on (1) what information you want and (2) your budget. Apple watches are a favourite, but WHOOP has been taking the fitness community by storm (and has a fun community aspect to their app too!). 

Remember, these are all just tools to help you reach your ultimate potential and to be better, but there are no replacement for continued hard work and consistency. Keep crushing it fam! No matter what 2022 brings, we will ALWAYS have control over our own health and fitness. 

Happy Holidays to you and yours! Stay safe! xo

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