A diverse crew of 6S CrossFitters, Hank’s Powerlifters and Six Lifts Olympic Weightlifters took the platform for a memorable night. The competition followed the usual competition Olympic Weightlifting rules: In the first part, everyone had 3 attempts to lift their heaviest snatch, and in the second part they were given 3 attempts to lift their heaviest clean and jerk. If competitors followed another lifter they were given 1 minute to lift, or 2 minutes if they followed themselves.
Although specific prizes were awarded, everyone was a winner in our eyes! Special shout-out Alisdair who is only 3 weeks into his Oly career, Arjun’s who “wow’ed” everyone with his flawless lifts, and Thom who’s been doing Oly for years and years but has recently been only focusing on Powerlifting (he’s still got it!). It was great having all kinds of lifters from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of skill and experience. Congratulations to Thom and Pam who were big winners of the night with the highest Sinclair totals!
With that being said, the best place to hit a PR is during a competition (when it counts!). And wow, there were a LOT of PRs – great job everyone! You could tell the adrenaline was flowing when some lifters took their PR weight and did an easy power snatch or power clean with it. My guess is that a few of you had trouble sleeping that night after the competition with all the excitement/adrenaline (I know I did!).
On behalf of everyone at CrossFit 6S, Six Lifts Weightlifting and Hank’s Powerlifting, thank you to all the volunteers who loaded weights, judged, and had DJ duties, and to coach Cheng who coached the lifters the whole night! Thank you to everyone who came to watch and support our lifters – your presence and energy really helped motivate the lifters!
We can’t wait to do this again next year with even more of you!
Coach Luke