Athlete of the Month: Brett Lochrie

Brett joined CrossFit 6S about 5 months ago without any prior CrossFit experience, but a willingness to learn and challenge himself. Ever since joining, Brett has exemplified characteristics of a great role model: he is coachable, he listens and wants to learn, he is always smiling and he is extremely supportive of other members. Brett has dedicated himself to improving his health and fitness; he attends class almost every day of the week and rarely complains if he is feeling sore. He has made significant gains inside and outside the gym, and we couldn’t be more proud!
Although there are many highlights over the last 5 months (toes to bar, handstands, pull-ups, double unders etc.), the one that stands out the most for Brett was when he hit a 170# hang clean at a local CrossFit competition. Prior to this competition, the most Brett had lifted in class was 135#! His tenacity and determination really shined through, when he didn’t question what was on the bar or his capabilities – he believed in himself and went to work! Not to mention, that this was Brett’s first competition and he was still relatively new to CrossFit when he signed up!

We are so proud of you Brett, for all you have achieved thus far. You are an absolute pleasure to have in the classes and we are so lucky that you are part of the 6S family!

We can’t wait to see what the next 5 months has in store for you (shall we say some muscle ups..!)!

Tell us about yourself 
I grew up and lived in Oakville until it was time to move to University. After my undergrad, I moved to Toronto to complete my post-grad and I’ve been here ever since. I’m an only child so I’m a total momma’s boy, light hearted and sometimes a little crass. Capricorn, if you’re into that.
What do you do for a living? 

I work at a large consulting firm (KPMG) where I am a project manager for corporate communication initiatives as well as internal learning events in our European and Asian markets. 
What is one thing people may be surprised to learn about you?
I started my fitness journey back in high school by doing workouts in my parent’s basement. Over the course of a year I lost almost 50 lbs (I didn’t lose my appetite though).
How long have you been doing CrossFit? At CF6S? 
I started CrossFit five months ago taking my first class at CF6S.
Why did you start CrossFit? 
I was getting bored of going to the gym on my own and was finding it hard to find the motivation to even go – I was ready for something new. It kept popping on all of my social media as well (I’ve followed Spencer Hendel, a CrossFit Games athlete for over a year) so I decided to give it a shot. 

PicturePre-CrossFit vs Today (!)

What is your proudest CF moment? 
My proudest CF moment was taking part in my first competition. Despite being incredibly nervous, it was a whole lot of fun. It didn’t hurt that we also came in first place!
What impact has CF6S had on your life inside and outside the gym? 
I find myself actively making decisions in the benefit of my wellbeing. Rather than watching TV on the couch before bed, I find myself stretching or working on mobility while watching TV. I drank the Kool-Aid.

​For someone just starting at CF6S, what advice would you give them?
Just stick to it, the stamina will come with time. Also be sure to set goals and actively work towards achieving them. There is no better feeling than checking something off your goal list. 

What’s your biggest CF goal right now? How close are you? 
My biggest goal is to do a muscle up. It’s still a work in progress, but I’m determined to get it.
Other than CrossFit, what do you do for fun? 
I love to cook, travel, go to the movies and spend Sundays in bed.
You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What colour would you be and why? 
Raging Sea blue (a mix between navy and grey). It was the colour my parents painted my room as a kid and it’s still my favourite colour. It’s from Behr Paint in case you’re wondering 😉 
What’s your favorite ’90s jam? 
MMMBop – Hanson. I still dream of having Hanson hair.
Choose a movie title for the story of your life. 
He’s Just Not That Into You
What are three things still left on your bucket list? 
Hug a koala, take a cooking class in Italy and hang with Chelsea Handler.
If you could have any one superpower, which would you choose? 
Invisibility. I’d probably end up using it for my own eavesdropping interests rather than doing good. 
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