6S Quaran-Team Challenge

For the month of May, 78 athletes came together (virtually) on 4 teams to complete 4 weeks of challenges. Even though we were on isolation and lockdown, this didn’t stop our community from coming together to work as (virtual) teams to complete these challenges and workouts.
The 78 athletes were placed into teams of 4 then came up with team names. Virtually Fit, Lavate Los Manos, The Living Room Warriors, and Weapons of Mask Destruction. Teams going into week 1 began with the Weekly Challenge of completing a Zoom workout with 3 of your teammates and hosting a Zoom Meal Prep party. For Workout #1, they were faced with a ‘Death by’ type of wod including mountain climbers and burpees.
Week #2 then brought on 10k of running for the week, and the Nutrition Challenge of showing how creative you can get with your veggies. For Workout #2, we watched a showdown between Coach Kev and Coach Sid for the battle of the ascending ladder of pushups, sit ups, deck squats, air squats, and jump lunges. Coach Sid came out on top and also with one of the fastest times of the week!
The fun kept rolling into Week #3. We were introduced to probably the most entertaining, and creative challenge, The Awkward Object Squat. There were so many great photos and videos throughout the week! This challenge pushed athletes to not only be creative, but to share on their social media. We saw people squatting people, pets, plants, shopping carts, cases of drinks & toilet paper to name a few. The recipe swap challenge also helped people get creative with their cooking, and the weekly workout brought us 7 mins of body weight man makers. The weekly showdown featured Kev taking on Cheng, who both left us on our toes for a winner.
For the final week of the challenge, the participants were faced with the 8k per day step challenge, and the post workout refuel meal. Once the week was finished, the teams accumulated over 1 MILLION STEPS for the week! What a way to finish off the weekly challenges! As for the final workout, our programmer and Coach Kev outdid himself and went out with a bang. The showdown featured Cam and Kev completing 5 rounds for time of 50 air squats and 1000 foot shuttle run, in 50 foot increments. If you did this workout, it’s safe to say he saved the best one for last!
CONGRATULATIONS to all the participants of the Quaran-Team Challenge! In such a state of unknown in our present lives, this was such a wonderful way to see the community come together, even while being apart. It’s through times of adversity that magic can happen, and it was truly magical to see each week everyone stepping up to the challenges and blowing them out of the water, all done with a smile on their faces. Congratulations to team Virtually Fit for dominating the leaderboard throughout the 4 weeks and finishing on top!

Here’s hoping this the only ‘Quaran-Team’ challenge! We can’t wait to get the community back together again, in person!

Be strong, and keep smiling!

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