Don’t wait until January

As winter settles in and the holiday season winds up, itโ€™s tempting to put your fitness and nutrition goals on pause. You might be tempted to wait until the New Year or the perfect time after the holiday parties to keep working on those health and fitness goals but this is a trap.

Yeah, it might be more challenging over the next few weeks and months to stay on track, but thatโ€™s not a reason to give up and hope to restart later. Taking an extended break will make it a tough climb back after the holidays are over.

Maintaining your health and fitness routine over the holidays is not just beneficial to you physically, but also mentally and emotionally! Plus, itโ€™ll set you apart from the crowd in the New Year! Hereโ€™s a few reasons why you should keep going!

  1. Momentum is working for you! โ€“ Keep It Going

  • Consistency is Key: Inertia is real and it can work for you or against you. Right now itโ€™s keeping you going – itโ€™s making it easier for you to come to the gym and work. Weโ€™ve all experienced inertia working against us. That first week of workouts back after a break is a struggle! So much so, that sometimes a few weeks off, turns into a few months! Keep your momentum now so you donโ€™t have to pick it up again in January.

  • Use the Whole Year: Donโ€™t miss out on 10% of the year just because itโ€™s a little more inconvenient to work towards your goals. Over the years, this adds up and staying on track during this time can have a huge impact on the speed of your progress!

2. Moderation instead of all or nothing

  • 80/20 Rule: You can still enjoy holiday indulgences! Work to stick to your fitness and nutrition plan 80% of the time. The other 20% can be used for celebrations, gatherings and indulging! In fact, keeping up with your fitness routine will make those indulgences even better and will prevent the need for drastic changes later!

  • The skill of moderation: Thereโ€™s always a reason to indulge and celebrate in life, regardless of the time of year. Keeping up with your fitness routine now while enjoying the holidays will make it easier to do it again in the future!

3. Managing Stress and Mental Health

  • Exercise as an Outlet: We all know the holiday season can come with its own set of stressors! Use your workout to bust that stress, clear your head and stay grounded when things get hectic!

  • Nutrition and Mood: Stabilize your mood and energy levels by keeping your nutrition on point. This will make the holiday season less tiring and leave you with more energy to enjoy yourself!

4. Spread the Gift of Health

  • Be an Example: Others will notice that youโ€™re working to improve your health and fitness over the holidays. This can be inspiring to friends and family. Use that to encourage group activities and healthy food choices at get togethers!

  • Holiday Specials: Take advantage of holiday deals on nutrition and fitness products.

5. Start 2024 as Your Best Self

  • No Getting Back Into It: If youโ€™ve kept up with your routine over the holidays you wonโ€™t have to deal with that post holiday slump or the struggle to get back into it. Youโ€™ll enter the New Year without skipping a beat and feeling proud of what you accomplished!

  • Celebrating Success: Imagine in the New Year, celebrating the achievement of working hard and doing something thatโ€™s good for you. Youโ€™ll be proud of your hard work and be that much closer to your current fitness goals instead of taking 2 steps back!

Youโ€™re responsible for your future self. Set them up for a great start to 2024 by sticking to the plan now!

The dedication to your health and the pride youโ€™ve felt in your progress doesn’t need to pause for a few big meals and parties.

Stick with your plan over the holidays and head into January with more momentum, confidence, energy and strength. You have the opportunity to get a head start on your 2024 goals!

If you need help staying on track over the holidays your 6S coaches are here for you. Whether you need help with how to approach your nutrition at gatherings or you need help staying accountable and guidance with workouts while you travel, we can help.

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